Bear Cam

I was working on a project this afternoon and decided to put Woodland Park Zoo’s Bear Cam up on my second computer screen as I worked. I could see the bears go by every few minutes as the walked around the enclosure.


At one point I saw a few bunches of what looked like romaine lettuce get tossed to one of the bears.



He sat there for 15-20 minutes munching on the romaine and a few other treats the keepers had thrown to him. They refer to this as “scatter-feeding” on the webcam page. They’re snacks through-out the day to encourage wandering the enclosure and searching for food.

I don’t know how to tell the bears apart, but there are only two. So it’s narrowed down to either Denali or Keema. 🙂

WPZ’ Web Cam page also has a Tiger Cam and a Bat Cam.